Eight strategies to avoid a sugar crash at holiday gatherings!

How does your calendar look these days? Is it filled with holiday gatherings, parties, cookie swaps, or any other food-focused festivities? If so, here are some simple strategies to help you really enjoy the day and avoid that sugar spike and crash!

1. Make all your choices conscious ones. If you are at a gathering and decide to eat more than you usually would, that is your choice. Know that there may be consequences, and let that be ok. It won’t do you any good to beat yourself up or feel guilty for your choices.

2. If you are going to someone else’s home, eat before you go. Have a good balance of proteins, fats, and carbs so that you are not overly hungry when you get there. Don’t “starve” yourself all day or “save up your calories”. That really doesn’t make any sense if you think about it.

3. Before you take that first bite, take a few slow, deep breaths and make sure you are in a relaxed state. This is the only way you can properly digest that scrumptious food. Saying grace or sharing things you are thankful for can also help you get to that relaxed state.

4. When you do start eating, chew, chew, chew your food! Really taste and appreciate those wonderful flavors. This will also help your digestive system work more effectively.

5. Drink water between meals. Then sip small amounts of your beverage of choice during the meal, but try not to drink too much (of anything) during or immediately after the meal. It dilutes your digestive juices.

6. If you choose to enjoy sugary sweets, really enjoy them. Notice the taste, notice how sweet they are, enjoy them thoroughly, then be done.

7. Above all, enjoy your time with family and friends. While the food often takes center stage, let your focus be on the people you are with. Give someone a genuine compliment. Tell them something about themselves that you really admire. We often get so focused on the things that “have to get done,” that we forget why we’re doing them in the first place. By all means, enjoy the wonderful food, but really be present and enjoy the day and the people.

8. When you get home, keep hydrated with water throughout the day and move your body. Take a walk, build a snowman, go to the gym, dance, or move however your body likes. But do move. Even just a little. Your body, heart, mind and spirit will thank you. And speaking of thank you’s... If you went to someone’s home, take a few minutes to send them a note of thanks — on real paper, with a pen, and a stamp on the envelope and everything! Thank you cards are a dying art, but they are so very appreciated!

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If you are curious about what functional nutritional therapy is, and how it can help you with your current health goals, check out this recent story by 
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Karri Ball