A 90-day Transformative Journey

For the exhausted woman who’s tried everything.

I’ve been in your shoes - exhausted and ready for a nap before the day has even started.

You aren’t crazy. Even if all the other doctors you’ve worked with haven’t found the answers.

I’ve helped hundreds of exhausted women finally find back their zest for life.

Let's restore your health so you have the energy to live!


Health Begins on a Cellular Level

Minerals are your body's spark plugs, when they are missing, or available in excess, you can't ignite your body's engine to function. They impact everything, including your physical, mental, and emotional health. There isn’t a chemical reaction in the body that occurs without the help of minerals.

Every single mineral and vitamin have an effect either directly or indirectly on every other vitamin or mineral in the body. Just throwing a multi-vitamin at the problem isn’t the right approach. In fact, it could actually throw your system further out of balance. What matters is the relationship between minerals. When minerals are in balance, the body works. Period. HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis) is the best way to guide this balancing process. Here is an example HTMA.


How does it work?

  1. Discovery Call

    We will hop on a 30 minute phone call to go over your current symptoms and struggles.

  2. Identify the Real Root Cause:

    Utilizing HTMA (Hair tissue mineral analysis) we are able to quickly extract a significant amount of information about your unique biochemistry. This fascinating analysis gives us the bigger picture - a road map of your health story. Armed with this information, we can bring the mineral system back into balance which improves mitochondrial function, thyroid health, adrenal function, blood sugar regulation, balances the nervous system, improves mood, supports digestion, plus it allows you to detox chemicals and heavy metals from the body in a way that is both gentle and safe.

  3. Personalized Healing Plan:

    Together we will create a custom health plan to help restore your health and energy. An integrative approach focused on education with a combination of supportive supplements, lifestyle habits, and real, whole foods. 

  4. Holistic Expertise and Support:

    To empower you with education, hold you accountable, and help you implement healthy habits for a lifetime. 

  5. Retest

    Reclaiming and maintaining our health is a marathon, not a sprint. It doesn’t end in 90 days.



Your Symptoms Aren’t Normal

Most women I work with are experiencing symptoms that aren’t normal. And yet the labs their allopathic doctors have run all come back “healthy” and “in normal range.” My vision is for women to understand that chronic fatigue (and sickness and disease) is not an acceptable, normal part of aging. There is SO much in our control.

Symptoms you might be experiencing:

  • Waking up with zero energy

  • Too exhausted to be present

  • Brain fog

  • Anxiety

  • Constipation

  • Allergies

  • Headaches

  • Hormonal Imbalances

  • Heart burn and gut pains

  • Joint Pain

  • Feel like You’re Moving in Slow Motion

  • Trouble sleeping

  • And the list goes on….

Karri has helped me so much with my overall health! I feel like a completely different person! I can’t say enough good things about what Karri does! If you are on the fence on whether the testing or class is worth the investment please believe me that it is! It is well worth every penny to be in control of your health!
— Nathania T.


Health Transformation for a Lifetime

Healing the root cause is not an overnight fix.

I’m here for the woman who is ready and motivated to make lasting and transformational changes and find their health (and energy).


Waking up energized and refreshed.

A body that feels good.

No more aches and pains.

No more bloat or constipation.

Feeling alive, hopeful and full of vitality.


Let’s get to the source of your symptoms 

Find You Life Spark Back

Ready to finally, get to the root cause, heal your body, and get your energy back?

Book a discovery call to get started.