Are Your Cells Dehydrated?

Chronic Dehydration has become common, but it's NOT normal!

The human body is 2/3 water and most of that should be in our cells! Chronic dehydration is the root cause of most major degenerative diseases of the human body. Remember, for water to be absorbed, it has to have the minerals and it has to be free of chemicals and toxins. 

Being dehydrated can negatively impact our energy, mood, ability to detoxify, physical performance, and more.

Many misinterpret thirst as hunger so they eat, but don’t drink enough mineral rich water and become even more dehydrated. Before you eat, especially as the day progresses, ask yourself, “am I really hungry or do I need to hydrate?"....which means to get the minerals and water into your cells for energy.
You can check for dehydration by pinching and elevating the skin on the top of the web space between your thumb and pointer finger. When you release the skin, if it snaps back to normal immediately, you are not dehydrated. But if it hesitates for even a fraction of a second, you are dehydrated.
Another indicator of hydration is the color of your urine. Clear or light-colored urine means you’re well hydrated, whereas a dark yellow or amber color usually signals dehydration. However, this is undermined if you take a vitamin B complex, which will turn your urine yellow.

Hydration is more than just drinking water! Here are the 3 Steps to ensure you are hydrated:

1 - Quality: Clean water - the best water for health is naturally free of chemicals, pesticides, toxins, heavy metals, bacteria, medication residues, fluoride, chlorine and more. Assess the quality of your drinking water both at home, work and travel. If you have municipal water, contact your municipality for a free water report. This will help you have a starting point for what path to take for your drinking water. There are so many options for filtration, just start with clean and mineral rich, and optimize your home’s water scenario as best you can over time. Even a basic Brita Filter is a good start and better than nothing.

The Environmental Working Group’s Tap Water Database allows you to enter your zip code and see what potential contaminants are in your local water supply:

2 - Quantity: You can use the basic formula of half your body weight in fluid ounces as a guide. For example, if you weigh 140lbs, your daily intake of water should be 70 fluid ounces. It’s also very important to limit or remove diuretics like soda, coffee, and caffeinated tea, as these beverages are dehydrating and challenge your body to maintain its electrolyte balance. 

3 - Electrolytes: They are essential minerals—like sodium, magnesium, and potassium— that carry an electric charge and are vital to many key functions in the body. They are found in your blood, urine, tissues, and other body fluids. Electrolytes are important because they help balance the amount of water in your body. We need sodium to get the water in the cell and potassium to make it stay in the cell. These are necessary, otherwise our water just goes in and comes out the other end. Some of it needs to stick in our cells to hydrate our body! 
Here are some ways to get electrolytes/minerals:
Coconut Water. This delicious, minimally processed hydrating beverage has naturally occurring electrolytes from the coconut in which it's made. 
Sea Salt + Lemon. A quick, DIY electrolyte beverage can be made by combining a pinch of sea salt and a squeeze of organic lemon (or any citrus). Sea salt carries with it over 80 trace minerals that act as sponges for our cells to absorb the water - and hold onto the water. The squeeze of lemon is a pop of fresh flavor as well as a good source of vitamin c.
There is no shortage of neon-colored electrolyte sports drinks on the supermarket shelves today touting themselves as the ultimate “thirst-quenchers”. With fancy marketing and strategic brand partnerships with professional athletes, the average person is convinced that these sugary and artificially colored beverages are their only choice for ensuring proper hydration after a strenuous workout or sweat session. Here are a few healthier options to add to water:

Liquid drops:
Concentrace Trace 40,000 Volts! It is available in 
Fullscript.  I also use Carolyn Deans ReMyte Mineral Solution for those that require a greater mineral profile. You can order HERE and use my code KARRIBALL to get 10% off.

Jigsaw Pickleball Cocktail and Jigsaw Health Electrolyte Supreme (I like lemon lime). Both are great for kids or young athletes and are available in 
Fullscript. More of my preferred electrolyte options are available in Fullscript, look for Favorites from the menu and the category Electrolytes. 
So, the next time you’re at the grocery store, feel confident when you skip over that neon-yellow sports drink! Know that the added sugars, flavors, and artificial ingredients are far from what your body needs. Instead, grab yourself a little bit of sea salt, and refreshing coconut water!

The weather is heating up and it's important to remember that when we sweat, we lose some of our minerals along with toxins. Those who sweat regularly should keep this in mind and make it a part of their lifestyle to up their mineral rich drinks regularly.

Healthy Blessings,
Karri, FNTP

Other reminders:  

Click HERE to book a complimentary Discovery Call to discuss your health goals and determine if nutritional therapy is the right fit for you. Nutritional Therapy is a functional approach to restoring health.  When the whole body system is supported to enhance its healing potential, it’s amazing what is possible. I’m here to support you when you are ready.  Learn more about how we can work together HERE.  

The RESTART Program: Fall class dates will be announced soon!  More details on the RESTART Program and to get added to the waitlist 

If you need to order supplements, here's the link: 
FULLSCRIPT.  While my dispensary catalog is open for you to search everything offered from Fullscript, if you go to Favorites from the menu, there are categories within Favorites.  Favorites are my preferred brands - the brands that meet my quality standards.  There is also an autoship option from the main menu, in case you have certain supplements that you would like delivered at a certain frequency.

Karri Ball