Why do I crave sugar?

A craving for sugar is almost always a craving for ENERGY! That is because sugar is a quick energy source. When our bodies are fatigued, we are going to continually be given signs to give it the fastest energy source we can, which unfortunately is sugar.

If you have to eat every few hours, have a hard time losing weight, feel shaky or irritable between meals or when meals are delayed, have anxiety or headaches when you get hungry, have brain fog, constantly craving something sweet after a meal, have really bad PMS…..chances are you are a SUGAR burner! 

Our bodies are designed to be like hybrid cars - they should be able to burn both sugar and fat for fuel. The problem is when you over-eat carbs, eat too often, have chronic stress, or lack of sleep, your insulin levels start to rise. 

These high insulin levels block your body from burning body fat and you become dependent on a steady stream of sugar and carbs to keep your energy up.

The problem with this is that being a sugar burner drives cravings.

Being a sugar burner keeps your body dependent on carbs and sugar.

Being a sugar burner blocks fat burning.

Being a sugar burner puts you on the path to developing Diabetes. 

The good news is that being a sugar burner is completely reversible! Improving your ability to burn fat is the way to restore your metabolism and reverse your trend towards Diabetes. 

Becoming a fat burner will help you functional as normal if a meal is delayed. Have stable, steady energy. Sleep better. Have better moods. Have less brain fog....and finally get rid of those sugar cravings! 

The solution to this is to become “metabolically flexible” where your body can burn sugar AND fat for fuel.

It’s amazing how that little switch absolutely transforms your entire health.

To make your metabolism flexible, you need to start with optimizing your blood sugar. I recommend avoid these THREE foods as a great place to start:

1. Sugar. There are so many different names for sugar that have been created by the food industry which make you think you are not eating sugar. If you see high fructose corn syrup, dextrose, maltodextrin, invert sugar, fructose, it’s sugar. Be aware of any ingredient that ends in -ose, as that is usually sugar hidden under a different name. You can get a list of the different names

2. Flour. Flour breaks down to into sugar and spikes your blood sugar. Here are a few recipes to help you with sugar cravings while eliminating refined flour

3. Vegetable oils. These fragile oils are damaged during the highly refined manufacturing process and they become very damaging to the small intestinal gut lining. Read more about how to pick the right vegetable oils for your health

If you need help, I can help you get started. Join me for my next 5 week RESTART program. It’s loaded with nutrition education, as well as support around WHAT to eat and HOW to eat to become a fat burner and to become metabolically flexible.

Class begins Sept 20. Details are

Karri Ball